Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Kozol article

This article was very sad to read.  I had never in my life given the bronx much thought besides the fact that it was a bad place.  After reading this article i now realize how bad it is and i really feel for the people that have to live there.  I especially feel bad for the young children that live there.  They have no choice but to stay in that area because they are only children.  They do not get a good education because of their living conditions and most of the times their parents do not care.  this makes me upset because those children could have a bright future ahead of them and they could be capable of so much yet they are stuck in this cruel world.  Some are lucky enough to get out and live a better life but for the ones that can't get out i really feel bad for them because they do not know another way of life.  it is not fair to those people stuck in that place, they deserve opportunities just like everyone else.

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